
I want to cancel my subscription purchased. How can I do it?

To cancel your subscription renewal on your device, please follow these steps:

  1. Open Settings on your Apple device
  2. Scroll down to iTunes & App Store
  3. Tap on your Apple ID/email address
  4. Tap View Apple ID, then enter your Touch ID or password
  5. From the Account Settings page, scroll down and tap “Subscriptions”
  6. Choose your Live Wallpapers subscription
  7. Tap “Cancel Subscription.” Next, tap “Confirm” on the “Confirm Cancellation” pop up.

I subscribed but not getting Premium. What should I do?

Here’s what to try if you’ve upgraded to Premium but don’t see it in the app:

  • Check your subscription page. Your status should be Premium.
  • If you’re on Premium, try signing out, back into the app and try to restore your subscription with “Restore” button.
  • In other case, please, contact our support team via *email*


I deleted the app but it’s still getting charges. How do I get an app to stop charging me?

Here’s what to do if app is still getting charges:

  1. Go to the app store
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click your username
  3. Click “View account”
  4. Tap the subscription that you want to manage
  5. Сancel recurrent subscription plan.


I want to get refund?

The iTunes Apps Store policy states that all sales are final but if you have a genuine and valid reason, Apple will issue a refund. Please, contact Apple Support visiting Report a Problem page to solve your issue.


How to set Live Wallpaper?

  1. Open Photos and find the live photo you’ve just saved
  2. Press “Share” and choose “Use as Wallpaper”
  3. Choose “Live Photo” and tap “Set” > “Set Lock Screen”


Live Wallpaper doesn’t work.

1.Make sure you’re using Phone 6s/6s Plus, iPhone 7/7 Plus, iPhone 8/8 Plus or iPhone X.

Due to iOS limitations set by Apple the application is only fully compatible with iPhone 6s/6s Plus, iPhone 7/7 Plus, iPhone 8/8 Plus and iPhone X.

2.Make sure you set Live Photo as a Lock Screen.

Animation is available only on Lock Screen. On the Home Screen Live Photo displays as non-animated static picture.

3.Check Low Power Mode

If you have enabled Low Power mode on your iPhone, when the battery gets low, this mode will temporarily disable some of your features to last longer. Settings > Battery > Turn off Low Power Mode.

4.Check 3D Touch

3D Touch function should be enable on your device. Settings > General > Accessibility > 3D Touch > enable